Quality of delivery was the number one priority for GGGI’s Management in 2023. Over the past handful of years, a lot of effort has been focused on mobilizing resources. Now that resources are coming in, and the organization is growing rapidly, the primary focus of attention for almost all GGGI staff needed to shift towards ensuring the highest possible quality of delivery. Management has rolled out a comprehensive action plan early in 2023 to improve delivery and focus on impact in all parts of the project cycle. This ranges from improving some parts of our back-office tools, formal training and certification for project managers, sharper focus on projects that are at risk of underperformance and stepping up remedial action, and strengthening the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning functions in projects and programs, throughout the organization. A focus on Quality of Delivery does go hand in hand with solid attention of Management for staff well-being, avoiding stress and burn-out, and making sure staff believe their workload is reasonable.